Friday, December 31, 2010

Goddamn Frog thinks it's better than me.

Look at those menacing eyes. And it's fuckin lilly-pad.
Now imagine that frog with a pair of sunglasses, and a backwards red ballcap complete with gold bling around it's pitiful frog neck. Yeah, that's right. It thinks it's better than you as well.

This week's psychotic rambling brought to you by crackerss on deviant art.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


So I have a pseudo-job fixing instruments. I still don't get payed. But at least I do something fun.
And I actually do get payed, in broken instruments. Heh...
I'll still turn a profit somehow.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Well, I finished it. Shame I shan't be posting it on my blog.
Now I have nothing to do but update the old blog.


I almost forgot:

Bulwraaf G'narn K'fkhet.


I'm working on the largest pixel painting I've ever done.

Other than the fact that I'm about to die from pixel exhaustion, somewhere down the line, my pixels turned into voxels, and my voxels didn't follow geometry.

Also, I failed at shading, but It's working out in the long run.

Long day

I've spent many an hour writing DnD rules and such.

Now to take a break I want to play Never winter nights...
Which isn't really a break is it?

Sunday, December 26, 2010


I've been doing more art lately. Amazing how I never post anything on my blog.My pixel art is getting better though. I've also sort of got a pretty original style, or maybe it's because I'm not trying to emulate old video games. Who knows.
It's a shame I don't post it on my blog. I guess you'll never see it.

Another awesome instrument

The Tuba. I never knew they were so awesome.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Contact Juggling

So this is pretty badass, It's a form of juggling designed in the 80's. (As in, 1980's) I was given a shoddy acrylic ball for christmas, and I'm going to use it as my practice ball until I learn how to do this.
Oh, also, it demands that you are a wizard, or possibly a druid.
Your ability to do this seems directly linked to how Wizardly-druidic you are.

Like so:

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Nice Italians

I've been getting ready to DM, and I took a break to check out Google Sketchup 8. It's a very easy to use 3d modeling program, and I recommend it. Oh, also It's free.

That picture is something I've just bothered to make. It's a model of a location from our DnD games.

Also, Elder Scrolls V has been announced.
Obviously the video game industry is trying it's damndest to keep me interested in mainstream gaming. Meanwhile, I'm failing to put Dwarf Fortress on a floppy disc. It's too big...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

SPACE (On my computer)

I'm low on space, and high on speed. (But not the drug... I'm talking about computers)
Although I've had caffeine, so I shouldn't be doing this anyways.

So, what I actually wanted to say,was that I partitioned my computer to have 30GB on the main partition, with the rest of the memory going to the mysterious hard drive "d" which has everything I've installed. This works very well for having my computer not slow down with more stuff on it, but it doesn't allow me to have anything on my main partition, which is annoying as hell.

I need to gut my computer and replace it with Nanophotonics....

Also, silicon based life was discovered. No big deal.