Monday, September 27, 2010


Does it always feel this chill near the end
I never dreamed we'd meet here once more
This life reserved for a friend
-The Church

I've been analyzing lyrics a lot, and have found some interesting relations.

Metal uses a lot of emphasis on vowels. Vocal sustains are held on them more then other genres. (Especially long vowels, and "I")

Industrial is filled with sharp and quick words, and the emphasis is on sharp consonants. (Example: Fuck that shit.)

Shoegaze tends to have sustain on anything that can sound like a hum, and blend in with guitars. (Ex: I can't remember waking up)

just some pondering.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Air Conditioner

Alright, so I've fallen in love with John Foxx.

John Foxx was basically Proto-Gary Numan. Back in the era where Synths sounded more like home appliances than instruments. (Also known as, THE AWESOME ERA)

In america, very few people know who Gary Numan is, but they might recognize "Cars".
John Foxx on the other hand, never had a hit. He also didn't have an awkward white makeup-disco track period. John Foxx even has all the creepyness of Gary's old 70's work, with the funkyness of what I'll describe as a "1970's And One" without the poppy bits. Basically nothing like And One. Except for the fact that they both wear suits.

tl;dr: John Foxx is a damn musical Fox.

The 4A.M. Incident

I've started work on the sequel to my last book. The antagonist is now the protagonist, and that car above would mean something if you had read my book, which you probably haven't.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Victoria II is awesome

I've been playing Victoria II a lot lately.
I've run the nation of Oranje into the ground so many times.
I did however manage to stay very stable as Canada (Although I was a satellite nation.) I've been coming up with a lot of plans. My strategies are not the greatest though. I really want to play independent Canada. -.- None of this Yankee bullshit.

Monday, September 13, 2010

New Guitar

I bought a new guitar. Archer Semi-Hollowbody.
It's pretty nice, has a very good neck. The fretboard is the most comfortable I've ever used. The only thing I don't really like about it, is that currently the lowest string seems to rattle a little bit. It might be the way it is strung though. I'll look into it when I start caring. I'm slowly working towards having an awesome shoegaze setup. I'll be dumping a lot of money on Effect pedals, that's for sure. Maybe along the way I'll stop sucking at the guitar as well.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Right, so ever since punk, singers have thought they could get away with the worst voices in history. Now, I'm sorry if I'm suppose to say "Oh but Ian Curtis sang with such a unique voice!
I don't care. Although I'm not against shitty singers anyways. And yes, I did just insult Ian Curtis, more or less father of the Post-Punk Movement. It's just that between him and Morrisey, they gave an excuse for every winy emo band ever to exist.

Hell, I like both The Smiths, and Joy Division. This isn't even what I want to argue about. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have The Church.

My problem is this:

I want to meet the singer of this band and ask them, why the hell they sing like that. If I meet them in person and realized that they ALWAYS sounded like that, I'd feel bad. But I get the feeling that he was TRYING to be... something. Some singers come up with a really unique singing style. Ian Curtis was pretty "original" and so was Gary Numan.

Both Gary Numan, and Ian Curtis had reasons to sing the way they did, and it wasn't very novel. Ian Curtis had epilepsy, and regularly would collapse into seizure on stage, Gary Numan has a type of autism.

Now, Blackmail singer, as well as countless emo bands from around the world. Do you really have a reason to sing like that? It wouldn't be to cover the fact that you don't have the slightest idea how to sing would it? Because honestly, that would be less annoying.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Japanese Music

Japanese music is weird. I just brought out the old Thee Michelle Gun Elephant records. Except by bringing out the records, I mean that I told to play TMGE, and it failed me. For one thing, a lot of Japanese rock bands share names with alt-country bands. (The Roosters much?)

Anyways, on the off chance I find a song worth listening to, I realize that there is something really really bad about it.

For Example

The chorus of that song is AMAZING. But once you notice the bits she sings in english... I die a little. Can't stop listening to. >>(-.-)<< MIND CONTROL!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 and stuff

Right, so I've been listening to
When I play my library, it plays all of this jazz...
It pretty much just plays solid jazz. All the time.
But once in a while, it decides to play me a Norwegian folk song.
More specifically a young woman with a violin. It's always her, and it's always the same song.
I assume this came about because I listened to Loituma on once.
Notice, it never plays Loituma, just this random other girl.
I have nothing against her, in fact she is quite good.
I just find it strange. It also gives me an idea for a really silly romance story....

Anyways. Here she is: