Wednesday, June 30, 2010

3AM Book Jam

I've just finished Chapter 13 of my latest book.
It's been every night til 3 AM.
Some might go so far as to all it a...
3 A.M. Incident.
Honestly, I'm now seriously considering naming the book "3 AM Incident"....
Its better than my working title.
Anyways. I need some sleep.
I'm poor, lacking money, need to find said money...
and overworked.

Now... Allow me to play you out.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I need money so badly right now, its painfull.
I know some of my readers can attest.
I don't have to much to say, other than Waltz 2 is awesome.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Posts lost

So I realize that my posts for Friday and Saturday were lost.
Must have been a web error.
Makes me fell all sniffly inside.

My Writing

So my latest book is getting close to being halfway done.
I've come to a rut. I can't decide what I'm trying to say with my book.
I don't know if I want to show certain sides of the character, as I feel it detracts from the real meaning of the story... Which is a posthuman hellhole to begin with.

I need some variation in it though.
I need new ideas.
And I think I just hit one.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Program Review: aTunes

Yes, that's right, aTunes.
It's an open source music player.
And it is really quite good.
I recently got annoyed by iTunes, and decided to look into finding something else to use. This search brought me through many different players, but aTunes stuck out to me. Mostly because it's quite awesome. The interface has a bit of a learning curve, and is not as user friendly as iTunes, but it has some very nice features.

The Good:

First off: It looks really nice. I've never been a fan of the iTunes look. It seemed to clash with everything on my computer. aTunes has a customizable look. Which is a nice bonus.

The thing that got me really into aTunes, was its ability to work with Sure, I can have it sign in, and record my listens to my Last.Fm account, however, It also gives me information, lyrics, album art, popular youtube videos, discography.... etc. All loaded from

The interface is cusomizable as well. So if you tweak it enough, you should be able to get it up for however you want to use it.

It gives you statistics that you can't get in iTunes. Specifically information such as, most listened to ARTIST, and Albums, etc.

The Bad:

Steep learning curve.

Some file formats can have issues with tagging (Artist info and such)

No Visualizer.

All in all, I'd rate it 9.5 on a 1-10 scale.
It does what it does perfectly, with only a couple little things keeping it away from perfect.

Albums To Check Out: Bella Morte - Bleed The Grey Sky Black

One of the things I really like about this album, is that it is consistently good quality. SO many bands make an album, that has a few good songs, and a lot of throw away songs. Not only is the whole album being good impressive, Bella Morte swim through Genres, doing whatever the hell they feel like, and they do that WELL. It has some of the only "Metal" songs that I appreciate. Including one of my favorites: As The Storm Unfolds.

They use elements of metal, punk, darkwave, death rock, industrial, and synthpop, and really that's just the beginning. Their versatility shows their skill as musicians. Every song on this album sounds different, in style, tempo, atmosphere, and focus. However, the album always feels energized, no matter if you are listening to "On The Edge" a synth led more industrial sounding tune, or "Earth Angel" Yes, the 50's song, done in the Doo Wop style.

I'm not a big fan of most music like this, but this album KICKS ASS, and should be quite the listen.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Computer FUN - Day 3

I've gotten the laptop to be able to run open office.

Although, now I try to get Milky Tracker, and Dwarf Fortress to work on it.
For bonus points.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Computer "Fun" - Day 2

I've continued my quest here.
I've had issues installing the Linux based OS.
From really bizarre desktop problems, to just not fucking working.
So I'll be continuing to work on it for a while.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Computer "Fun"

I'm having a lot of fun.

Specifically with my new computer. A second generation iBook.

Unfortunately it's a G3, with OS 9.2 on it.
I'm attempting to install Linux. (Yes, I finally have another mac, and the first thing I do is install linux.) Once this is done, I shall be able to use Milky Tracker.
(Yes, Milky Tracker is my ENTIRE reason for owning a second computer.)
I will hopefully also be able to play Dwarf Fortress.
Milky Tracker and DF, pretty much the only computer stuff I'll ever need.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Itunes has been updated.

Itunes has been updated.
It now makes not perfectly square album art, not square.
I think i'm going to throw up now.

Sewing Machine Update

I've named it Nikolathulhu.
After both Nikola Testla, and Cthulhu.

Also, this is the first post, that in Plan Blog style, is being written at 1:30 am.

It goes from doing nothing to "Oh god slow down!" in 6 seconds flat.
I've never seen its max speed, but I don't think I want to. I think it would get out of control and... sew things.

I've had nightmares about it sewing my eyes 2 nights in a row. Although sewing isn't a good description. I'm waiting for it to shock me or do something equally scarring for its "Nikola" side.
It's got the Cthulhu side down better than I want.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Words!: Balderdash

Balderdash: Nonsense!

Person 1: "We're all going to die!"
Person 2: "Balderdash!"

Also the name of a lame game with more fame than the traditional use of the word.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Words!: Cad

Cad: someone who is morally reprehensible.

It's an insult.

You Cad!
Do you take me for a cad?


Circadian Confusion 1: Nintendo Cereal System

The cereal box was divided in half. One side, called Super Mario Bros. Action Series, had fruity-flavoured Marios, Super Mushrooms, Goombas, Koopa Troopas, and Bowsers, and the other, called Zelda Adventure Series, had berry-flavored Links, hearts, boomerangs, keys, and shields. The cereal came with a sticker of a Nintendo character and Nintendo "Power Cards" (a set of twelve trading cards) on the back panel. It also had offers to win NES Power Pads or a Super Mario cereal bowl.

Box Art

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Answer To Most Things

1: Is it alive?
Y: Proceed to 2
N: Proceed to 3

2: Does it need to be killed?
Y: Proceed to 4
N: Proceed to 5

3: Does it need to be hidden?
Y: Proceed to 7
N: Blow it up. (Return to 1)

4: Do Explosions Work?
Y: Blow It Up
N: Try harder. (Return to 1)

5: Is It a threat to society?
Y: Release it into the wild.
N: Blow it up. (Return to 1)

6: Did you fail at reading numbers?
Y: Go back to 1
Y: Go back to 1

7: Is everything going to be ok?
Y: Proceed to 7.
N: Acquire tinfoil hat. You will know the rest of the instructions when THEY contact you.

The Most Menacing Machine I have Ever Owned

Yes, that is a sewing Machine. Yes, I own a Sewing Machine. That isn't the exact model othat mine is, but It's close enough. It's an electric retrofit singer sewing machine. It's also a LOVECRAFTIAN HORROR FROM THE ABYSS. Ok, really its on par with a mini Nikola Tesla machine. Which It runs like. It has the worst gear ratio I have ever seen. So the electric motor, (Which I can see sparking and such) makes bizarre noizes getting up to sewing speeds. I'm considering removing the electronic motor in favor of a purely mechanical device. Of course, the whole thing is built to power a needle going up and down. Which is the least intimidating part. I'm trying to come up with a good name for it. If you have a suggestion put it in the comments.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Accordion Ninja

Just Accordion Ninja.

Edit: Google Images is awesome:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Advice: Collecting Postage Withdrawl Captain

So this is my first post for my Advice Column. All names are fake and only put there for the fun of it.

Question 1: "well heres my question, why do some guys act like such jerks, and they think they are cool because they do it" - Mrs Blue

There are a few reasons for this, (And none of which I can say without someone accusing me of being Gender-ist) mostly you get an answer based on who you're talking to. It also matters the relationship they have to the others. If it is in a crowd of females, it would be a different reason than in front of the company of males. Between males, it can be a power thing. "I'm an ass, and it's because I'm awesome and you're not. I have every right to be an ass, because I am awesome." Of course, sometimes, its because they are insecure about it. Another reason is the old stereotype "Girls live the badguys." This supposedly goes back to a survival of the species thing. The big guy, who could be an ass and not get killed for it, was the Alpha Male, and that made him attractive. In this day and age, it's more likely that the girl in question just wants drama. (At least from my personal experience) Now, I want to be clear, I'm not supporting these guys. Fuck them.
Also Mrs. Blue, you may find it interesting to know, that Hormonal Birth control pills that have become so popular this day and age, actually have been shown to make women prefer sensitive men of He-Man hulks. The reason why; the pill makes your body think its pregnant, and when a girl has a baby, suddenly James, the asshole who lives dangerously and lives in the bar, who is never around to take care of the kids isn't exactly the best father.

Last Words: Be a lesbian problem solved.

Question 2: "why are some poeple so damn unmotivated" - ButterflyNinja

Depends on the context. I'll list a few possible reasons.
1: They don't enjoy what they are doing.
2: They enjoy something else more and their mind is to focused on that.
3: They are mentally unbalanced.
4: They're humanish.
I could go on.
Really the problem, is probably what you are trying to get people to do. Not everyone wants to do what you want them to do, or what you expect them to want to do. If you gave them something that they wanted to do, they would probably do it. It comes down to the Carrot, and The Stick. How do you want to MOTIVATE the people. You can threaten them with the stick, or offer them a carrot if they do it. If they don't have any motivation, they don't have the carrot or the stick, or see a bigger stick or carrot elsewhere.

Last Words: Read UTOPIA.

Question 3: "you should talk about the significant difference between Post rock and Sogaze
i mean i kind of know the whole wall of noise thing but it would be nice to know more"

Alright this one is going to be long.
Shoegaze and Post-Rock are related, very closely, but mostly separate Genres. I figure the best way to say what these are is to explain them separately than explain the contrast.

Shoegaze started in the 1980's with the rise of Dream-Pop, and Space Rock.
It was called Shoegaze because of the fact that the effects pedals used kept the guitarists staring at their shoes. Because of this, the bands were separated from the audience, different from the Punk Rock of the 70's which fed off the audience, and didn't care much about the music.
The "Shoegaze Sound" is of course, Psychedelic Dreamy music with heavy use of guitar effects pedals. While shoegaze has a strong wall of noize, the melody is strongly inferred.
Original Shoegaze died in the early 90's. It was left in favor of the American Grunge Movement. The reason why is pretty obvious. The U.K. pretty much owns western mainstream music. The U.K. seems to love bitching about the working class. (See every punk song EVER.) Shoegaze required good instruments, or at least good effects, and it wasn't very political, and active. Britpop, and Grunge took over the 90's with its Lower Class focus.

Now when I say "died" I mean that it fell out of the mainstream. The Shoegaze tradition was kept in the underground, and is alive even now, with "Post-Gaze, Nu-Gaze, Star-Gaze, etc" bands. I personally do not approve of adding "Nu" or "Post" to music genres when describing new ones. Which is why I've never mentioned "Post-Industrial" You would think that they have something in common, they usually don't.

Post Rock, on the other hand has a different story. First off, Post Rock is not a genre in itself. The rock bit describes the instruments used. I.E. guitars. The Post describes its relation with many other genres. Post Rock, combines Rock instruments with non Rock genres. This is why you can find bands like If These Trees Could Talk, and Meanwhile, Back In Communist Russia listed both as "Post Rock". Post rock does not need a wall of Noize Element, nor is it famous for one. However, Shoegaze is one of the MAJOR influences of Post Rock, and Effects Pedals are commonly used in excess, especially in the instrumental bands.

Many Instrumental "Post Rock" bands, are actually "Math-Gaze" in that they are combining Math Rock, with Shoegaze. My default Math Rock example is You.May.Die.In.The.Desert. It isn't combining genres, as much as making the rockmusic very complex musically. One of the tell tale signs is actually the drumming. Math rock drumming is usually more complex.

Last Words: Listen to DoomJazz.

Question 4: "What materials could be combined?"

Technically you can only really create solutions. The idea of "Combining" isn't really the greatest...

Last Words: Wiki it.

Question 5: "what is the piont of life?" - Cupcake Saleswoman


Last Words: No I'm not going to explain that answer.

Well that's it for this Advice Section. If you want to ask me a question, mail me in any way you know how. Til Next Time.

New Article Idea: I Answer Your Questions

So, something I never really had before. Reader input.
I've decided to start an advice column/fan-letter thing.
Basically, if you send me a letter, in any way you can,
and I'll answer your question in an article later.
(And keep it anonymous)

So go ahead and send me something.

A Scanner Darkly: Review

I just finished watching A Scanner Darkly an animated film about... Well what it's about is a good question. It follows the story of a group of people, and their relation to a mysterious drug "D".

The Animation is very interesting, possibly the most interesting aspect of the movie. Everything is distorted, and at strange angles, with a sort of cell shaded look to it. Because of the bizarre perspectives, things that were once the background can suddenly pop out into the front when a character grabs a bottle, or opens a door. It adds a feeling that something isn't quite right, and fits in with he theme of a story about drugs. It almost makes you feel like you're on something yourself.

Unfortunately the story isn't that great. It uses to much of the "THERE IS NO SPOON" storytelling that the matrix used, leaving you with a sense of saying "What if we lived here!" although you can't really think that, because of the dystopian nature of the film. I was expecting the story to be a bit more cyberpunk, however the setting is very rural, suburban areas. It's an interesting contrast to see this kind of story take place in.
The movie tries to be futuristic Requiem For A Dream but rightly fails to be so.
As for the end... It's horridly anticlimactic. I was literally waiting for all hell to break lose at the end of the movie, and nothing happened. It left me screaming for a but more of the story.
One of the characters (Who reminds me of Kurt Cobain, is totally ignored in the end of the movie. No explanation is given, while other characters that are great fun to see are just sort of snuffed off in a few sentences of internal monologue. )

I don't regret watching it, but to contrast it to something else... I find it is like playing Crysis. I played it entirely for the technical beauty of it, while the story played second wing. The artistic direction of this movie is very awesome, and I would recommend seeing it just for that.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cinema: Cowboy Bebop

A Cowboy Bebop live action movie was announced, with Keanu Reeves in the lead role.
For anyone who doesn't know, Cowboy Bebop is an Anime series that has a groovy intro song.

Basically the series is about some space bounty hunters. I've never seen it personally, so I'm going to soon.

I'll take a wild guess that Keanu will play this guy:
Although, really, I think Keanu is much passed his glory days of "Jhonny Mnenonic"

"You Got Parents And Stuff?"

And it all comes down to the great climactic speech.

I'm honestly looking forward to this.

Grammar and the Internet

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

A friend of mine had this posted as a signature on their email. I read it, and it made no sense. Then I read it again at 3 AM. It made sense.

Has anyone - Question

really been (So) far - action

(To have) - Implied missing text

even as (To have) decieded - Action again)

to use - Action

(Or) Even go - Action

want to do - (as in "to wish for")

(More) to look like?

Basically: Has anyone been so far as to go, or even try, to look more like (-Missing Subject)

I later learned that the context was about Video Game graphics, thus affirming my idea of its meaning. The missing subject being the real world.

I was quite proud of myself, until I learned that this was in fact an internet meme.
And that a simple google search would bring up similar interpretations.

All I know is that it's an awesome phrase, and I want it on a shirt.

Update: New! Stuff

I've updated the blog already.
Obviously we have a Damask background.
Also, I have a youtube bar on the side which should show the Band of the Week, however it seems a bit... iffy, as it likes to show other random stuff. Basically, if it shows more than one band, you can be sure that it's messing up. I might replace this with something else if it continues to be bad.

Changed some fonts, and colours, getting settled in to the new place. It's like getting a new room.

EDIT: The Youtube thing did not stop annoying me.
looking into alternatives.

EDIT: AHA Jacascript saves my sanity!
I now have a Band of the Week spot, and it looks a bit hilarious from the size differences.

Words!: Retroagressive

I've been thinking of this work. Which doesn't really exist, but is a simple compound word from a latin root. I don't understand why English lacks so many words, so I'm fixing this.

Of course people are very attached to their dictionary. English isn't treated like a plastic language, such as German, which you just make compound words for everything. So many English speakers like a very set list of words. This word, shouldn't be incorrect in any way though, unless I'm spelling one of the root words incorrectly.

Retro: To go back
Agressive: having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends

Retroagressive: Going back to determination and pursuit of your ends.
Example: The aging rock star bringing his old band back together was a retroagressive act.

Not to be confused with Retrogression, which is Devolution.

Things To Fill Your Mind With: Lucid TV

Lucid TV is a rather morbid webcomic about doctors. REAL Doctors.

Unfortunately I had to re-size that strip, so it is rather blurry.

It's pretty short, weighing in a t a few hundred comics. Also, the Website is a bit difficult to navigate. The only way to view the comics is to scroll to the archive to the bottom.

The humor is terrific if you like Gallows humor. If you shy away from darker senses of humor, then this isn't for you.
The art is ok. It's all in black and white, and pretty simple.
Also, it doesn't really follow a story so much, as random scenarios.

You can read Lucid TV Here:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Plans Revisited

So, I'm looking back at my previous Blog, and filtering out what to keep and what to throw for this blog. Here is the idea so far:

Band of the Week: Will continue, but in a new form. From now on, I will be giving reviews, instead of posting something I find randomly.

Daily What The Fuck?: Will be kept. In mostly the same format. Of course, "Daily" is an interesting term.

Inside Jokes:
62k AKA "Bigger than Bulgaria"
Etc .... Probably out.

For anyone not familiar with my last blog, this post is all you really need to read:

Enough With The Pleasantries


New Articles
New Humor
New Insanity
New Music
New Name
New Site
New Colourscheme
New Misspellings

From my old readers who know about PLAN BLOG
This is a bit of a different story.
Check back for updates.