Sunday, June 13, 2010

Grammar and the Internet

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

A friend of mine had this posted as a signature on their email. I read it, and it made no sense. Then I read it again at 3 AM. It made sense.

Has anyone - Question

really been (So) far - action

(To have) - Implied missing text

even as (To have) decieded - Action again)

to use - Action

(Or) Even go - Action

want to do - (as in "to wish for")

(More) to look like?

Basically: Has anyone been so far as to go, or even try, to look more like (-Missing Subject)

I later learned that the context was about Video Game graphics, thus affirming my idea of its meaning. The missing subject being the real world.

I was quite proud of myself, until I learned that this was in fact an internet meme.
And that a simple google search would bring up similar interpretations.

All I know is that it's an awesome phrase, and I want it on a shirt.

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