I just had a brief stint as a Botanist on Space Station 13. It was... interesting...
Graphics: 2
This game is slightly better than ASCII.
Interface: 0
The understanding of the interface goes from "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" to "THIS IS RETARTED. AHH!!"
Gameplay: 9
There are many jobs, and its the most Role-Played game I've ever seen.
Community: 6
Someone actually went out of their way to save me... but at the escape shuttle, I died from morons...
XP Grind: N/A
Funny as hell.
Total Score: Just read my game.
My Brief Adventure as a Botanist started out well. I had another crewmember helping me, and I had no idea what the hell I was doing. The Botany lab has a bunch of plant pots, which my partner started putting fertilizer in. I try to help by grabbing the Watering can. I fill it up, and go towards the pot... and I'm down on the ground, water is spilled on the floor. Oops. I forgot to take my character off of run. I get up, and start watering plants. My partner just chills.
After a while, our first plant shows up, a creeper plant. I was a bit excited so I watered it.
My partner was still chilling. I was considering exploring the ship, but figured I'd be safer in here.
Over the radio, people start complaining about their shoes being stolen. I look down at my inventory, to see in fact, mine have vanished!
I realize that my partner is AFK, or something. I consider calling security, because fuck him, but If they realize I am a newb, they will throw me out an airlock or something.
Turns out the creeper plant is a weed. Crap. So I grab the weedkiller, and use it all one one of the pots. And I'm out. I head to one of our doors, and realize we have a nice little office thing with a few lockers, and a table, with reinforced security windows. There is also a vent to the kitchen in here. I figure I might as well slack off in here, so no one blames me for the mess in the lab. I sit at the table.
Over the radio, I hear people under confusion. Mousetraps are showing up everywhere. Mousetraps and no shoes, not a good combination. I watch people walk by from the botany office.
Suddenly, I hear over the radio: "AI has gone Rouge! AI Has gone Rouge!"
... Well shit?
Turns out the AI laws stated that "Humans wear shoes, anything without shoes is non human"
and therefor was attempting to kill the non human invaders by locking them in rooms. Well crap. Good thing I'm in this office here.
A few minutes of silence pass. Suddenly the lab goes dark. I look over to my partner standing near the plants. The air supply is off. "We Lost Air in Botany" I say over the radio.
I hear a gunshot, and there is blood in the hallway. I call for security.
Doctors come running into the hall, dragging a body. One of them sees me, and smashes one of the windows, then leaves.
The lab is locked, and I know my friend has died in there. Shit. An assistant shows up, and begins beating the crap out of the window. Eventually he breaks in, and I am let out of my office. The escape shuttle has been called, and there was an attempt to blow up the AI.
I figure, Fuck it, I'm getting out of here, and I voice in that Botany has been abandoned.
On my way to the escape dock, I see an army of mousetraps.
I make my way passed, and am waiting in the dock. I notice one of the guards is bashing the window. What the hell?
He gets sucked out the window. I'm fine however. The ship shows up, and he bashes his way into the ship. WTF?
The doors to the ship are locked. I figure, ahh... they're breaking into the ship because of the doors. I go towards the window, and am sucked through, into the ship, and out the other side, propelled into space...... and I die.
tl;dr, fuck yeah SS13?