Monday, July 5, 2010

Minecraft Day 8: STUFF HAPPENS!

I smell some Bacon being cooked.

I was expecting to do a few days of straight mining, without anything interesting happening.
Hence my mention of doing 3 days in one post.
Then I found a cave.
This just got interesting.

I was feeling brave, so I jumped down to take a quick look. It is LOADED with minerals, Iron, Coal, etc. I'll be down here a lot. Unfortunately, it is dark. Fortunatly, I have COAL! For once I can actually make torches. I quickly light up the interior of the base. Also, I continue my staircase thing down into the cave.

My shaft is now at "Fall in and Die" depth. I punched a sheep halfway down it, and it died...

The rest of the day, I spend working on my farming platform. I also build a bridge out of stone out there. I gotta use this stone for SOMETHING after all.

I think this is going to be my last update for today, except for the map will shall come soon.
It was a surprisingly eventful day.

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